I should have suspected that our favorite comics differ from each other, but until I asked Charlie his top 5, I had no idea. We have no overlaps at all. I know that young children like Garfield, and I'm glad that current young children still connect with the characters Charles Schultz created for so long. But Drabble? Seriously?
Charlie's Top 5 (in no particular order)
Beetle Bailey |
Big Nate |
Drabble |
Classic Peanuts |
Garfield |
Non Sequitur |
Bizarro |
Dilbert |
Doonesbury |
Tundra |
i'm still laughing over that Tundra one - ha ha ha!!! i grew up with parents drinking coffee while reading the paper every morning. in fact, they still do. kenny and i are a paperless house. there are days i'd love to read the physical paper over a cup of joe and a plate of hotcakes...