Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A love (?) note

Charlie asked me this morning to pack a granola bar in his lunch on Friday. Knowing my memory, I told him I was happy to do that but that he'd have to remind me. Also knowing my memory, he disappeared downstairs to his art table.

He reappeared with this note. Who do you love? Chocolate swirl granola bars, that's who.

After sweating Charlie's spelling through K-2, I'm so pleased that when he needs to lobby for a specific school lunch dessert in 3rd grade, he spells everything correctly. He's also very precise about the terms of the agreement he sets out for us. Hmmm, could this child's mother be an attorney? Finally, in case the message doesn't hit all the way home, we have the ransom-note-style signature and the Mike Wazowski sticker.

There is no chance that I will forget what to pack in Charlie's lunch on Friday.


Anne H. said...

This is just great. I love seeing Charlie's precision in making his request. Thanks for posting this.

Azure said...

This is darling! I like that he refers to himself as Char. Good job on spelling "dessert."

BTW, out of the blue, Indigo asked about Teddy yesterday. Those little guys are smarter than we think!